Fuengirola timeline

Fuengirola history timeline spans around 2,700 years. See its pivotal points below.

800 BCE

Fuengirola history timeline - Phoenician settlement

Phoenicians arrive

Phoenicians establish an early settlement for trading here, attracted by the strategic coastal location.

100 BCE – 400 CE

Fuengirola history timeline - the Roman era and settlement

Roman Era

Romans take over, naming the area “Suel”, leaving behind architectural remnants like villas and baths.

400 – 900 CE

Fuengirola history timeline - Fuengirola is invaded by Vandals, Byzantines and more

Invasions & destruction

The area is occupied by Vandals, Byzantines and other invadors. Historians believe the original settlement was abandoned because of constant enemy raids, and possibly, a tsunami.

c. 950 CE

Fuengirola history timeline - the Moors build Sohail castle

Islamic fortification

The Caliph of Cordoba, Abd-ar-Rahman III, orders the building of Sohail Castle at the site of the previous Phoenician and Roman settlement. The area flourishes under Moorish rule.


Fuengirola history timeline - reconquista cristiana


Christian forces capture the area as part of the “Reconquista”, which was the series of military campaigns that European Christian kingdoms waged against the Muslim kingdoms.


Fuengirola history timeline - Mijas given administrative control over Fuengirola

Placed under Mijas administration

Fuengirola’s appointed Christian warden, Alonso de Mesa, is convicted of smuggling and corruption, and Fuengirola is placed under the administration of Mijas.


Fuengirola history timeline - battle of Fuengirola 1810

Battle of Fuengirola

In 1810, Spain belongs to Napoleon. Anglo-Spanish forces try to take Fuengirola castle, but Napoleon’s troops, formed of Polish garrisons, defend the castle successfully.


Fuengirola history timeline - Fuengirola gains administrative independence and separates from Mijas

Municipal independence

Fuengirola becomes administratively independent from Mijas. However, Fuengirola loses vast areas of land to Mijas.

Early 1900s

Fuengirola history timeline - Fuengirola grows modestly during 1800s thanks to fishing and farming

Gradual development

Fuengirola experiences modest growth through fishing and agriculture.

1936 – 1939

Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War brings chaos, interrupting the building works for a new Fuengirola port, and the town’s old church is destroyed.


Fuengirola history timeline - tourist boom in 1960s

Tourist boom

Fuengirola transforms into a major tourist destination and sees rapid urban development.


Fuengirola history timeline - the modern era of tourism today

Contemporary Fuengirola

Modern Fuengirola thrives as a multicultural tourist hub with a strong local and expat community.

About Fuengirola History Timeline

As you can see, Fuengirola is a coveted spot. For millennia, its strategic location has made it the perfect place for trade, defence and recreation.

The town has attracted a myriad of civilizations, traders and invaders to its shores, including Phoenicians, Romans, Goths, Byzantines, Moors, Christians, and even Napoleon’s troops—only to be finally explored and conquered by the humble tourist.

I admire the way Fuengirola has adapted, transformed and thrived through these changes, each era adding a layer to its heritage, and each visitor and leaving a distinct mark on the town.

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Fuengirola history timeline - Roman, Moors, Christians, tourists